When vacationing at the beach, you may be wearing one-piece swimsuits or bikinis for swimming, surfing, or just playing water. After playing the water, but you still want to hang out around the coast, how to order your appearance does not seem too open?
Here are tips to wear it?
Wearing gloves is one of these beaches. In fact, if you know how to wear it, you can change this sheath dress that used to hang out in safe-shops or cafes on the beach.
Lisa Letarte Cabrinha, Letarte swimwear designer, share a unique but simple way to wear gloves.
Halter gown
- First, grasp the two ends of a long section of the glove, then tie the ends behind your neck. Remember, do not tie it too tight. Draped fabric looks like it will cover the neck.
- Hold the edge of the holster below the waist, take the gloves about 5 cm, and then wrap around your body.
- Fold edge of fabric that wrap both your hips and create a node from either end of it
Dress with a binder
- Hold the two ends of a long section on the sarong, wrap sarong behind your back horizontally (landscape).
- Move your grip along the edge of the sheath, about 30 cm in front of the chest, then tie the two edges to nodes in the chest. This will make the rest of the cloth hanging down.
Dress gown
- Hold the two ends of a long section of the gloves, then wrap it into horizontally behind your back.
- Wrap one around the corner to your body, then tuck under the opposite arm. Pull the ends through the back of the shoulder.
- Hold the tip with one hand, then pull the other end in front of the shoulder. Tie the two ends into a knot at the shoulder. Let the rest of the cloth hanging in front of the arm.
Stecked dress
- Hold the two ends of a long section of the sheath, and wrap sarong behind your back horizontally.
- Take one end across your body to the opposite shoulder.
- Wrap the other end below the chest, around his back, then to the other in the opposite shoulder.
- Tie both ends in the shoulder.
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